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The church Am Hohenzollernplatz Berlin

The church at the Hohenzollernplatz in Berlin-Wilmersdorf is unmistakable: Its 66 meter high tower lords over Wilmersdorf and thousands of motorists drive by daily on the busy, four-lane Hohenzollerndamm. Built in 1930, its defiant exterior, which earned it the nickname "Power Plant of God," does not seem very inviting at first glance. Thus, when the church was renovated in the early 1990s, the famous artist and stage designer Achim Freyer was commissioned to design stained glass windows. Together with the architect Gerhard Schlotter, they created a “space of light” which casts a compelling spell on every visitor.

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    View to the cieling

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    Entwurf von Sigmund Hahn 1962


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    nach der farbigen Umgestaltung durch Achim Freyer

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    Blick in Richtung Osten

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    Kirche innen

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    Langzeitaufnahme bei Tageslicht

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    Kirchraum beleuchtet

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    Detail Mosaik Hauptportal