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The NoonSong is not subsidized by any formal institution and therefore depends solely on the donations of visitors and listeners. With their donations, visitors and listeners secure the continued existence of the NoonSong: without these donations, NoonSong will no longer be able to exist.


Donations and sponsorships

You want to support the NoonSong, but do not want to join the Friends? We invite you to send us a donation or sponsor a NoonSong


It's a nice idea to combine a personal celebration or memorial with a NoonSong sponsorship. Be it your birthday, a wedding anniversary or even the anniversary of a deceased loved one, the sponsorship of a NoonSong is a worthy remembrance. With only 500 € (full sponsorship) or 250 € (partial sponsorship) you can sponsor a NoonSong. If you wish, your personal dedication can be printed prominently in the program of the NoonSong on the first inside page.  You can then also receive "Your" NoonSong on CD, encased in a fitting and elegant sponsorship certificate.