
NoonSong on Saturday, 1 April 2023, 12:00

In the NoonSong for Palm Sunday, the entire Passion account is heard, this time in a setting by Heinrich Schütz. This Passion is a late work by the…

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NoonSong Saturday, on 25 March 2023, 12:00

Music by the Coburg Renaissance composer Melchior Franck is the focus of this NoonSong: his large-scale, impressive motets are just being rediscovered…

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NoonSong Saturday, on 18 March 2023, 12:00

For the Sunday "Laetare - rejoice" the mood of the liturgically prescribed texts lightens somewhat: We experience this in settings by French…

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NoonSong Saturday, on 11 March 2023, 12:00

Once again, this NoonSong is very solemnly English - and thus very close to its model, the Anglican Evensong. In the music, the innovative power of…

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